Saturday, August 25, 2007

Post Surgery Update

Well, here we are. Finally finished with all of Mark's surgeries.
It's been a rough ride this past week. We anticipated an easy surgery and a quick recovery. I guess 1 for 2 isn't all that bad. The surgery went well. Mark had his stoma reversed on the 17th. All went according to Dr. Dobson's plan and the surgery was finished within an hour. But, his bowels were slow to awaken after surgery just like after his first surgery in Cleveland. So, to make a long story short, he had to have the NG tube put in his nose again to drain his stomach. (More green sludge!) We anticipated leaving the hospital on the 19th. We didn't leave until the 23rd! We were in the hospital for one week. I was going out of my mind and I know Mark was too. Thankfully, we are home b/c his bowels did finally 'awaken' ; and they did so with a vengence! (and that's all I'm going to say about that!)

Thanks to mom and Dad for coming up and helping watch Cade. They also stayed much longer than anticipated and I am so grateful they were able to help out. Had they not been able to watch him, I really do not know what we would have done. Way to go MiMi and Papa!

On a brighter note, our new home has the beginnings of it's foundation. I went by there on Thursday with Mom and Cade and they were beginning to put our foundation down. We are building a home in Boiling Springs, SC. Forgive me if I've already told you this but I keep forgetting who I told and who I didn't tell. We should move in by the 2nd week in November! I can't wait!

I hope everyone has a great night and a wonderful Sunday tomorrow.
Let's pray for more rain! =o)


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