Thursday, April 30, 2009

Miss Kynlee is now a one year old!

One of the perks of being a photographer is making a lot of new friends. Take my friend Kynlee here. I took her first photos around three months of age. Now I have the privelage of watching her grow up and help her parents (whom I love!) document her milestones! She is such an adorable little girl! As we were shooting, people would say, 'Oh my! Isn't she so pretty!' And, I guess because I just love this stinker so much, I answered, 'Oh thank you!' What was I doing answering these people when I am not even her mother! Sorry Linds! Anyways, I guess being so fond of a sweet girl like Kynlee is an occupational hazard I do not mind having.

Enjoy Kynlee's show!

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